Programming Sound Cards
Programming Sound Cards.iso
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RUCKUS/C v1.0d ORDER FORM for credit cards
(Check, cash, or money-orders use !ORDER.FRM)
Qty Extended
PROFESSIONAL, single-license . . . .$150.00 x _____ = __________
Refer to the LICENSE AGREEMENT in Appendix Z of the RUCKUS documentation
for licensing terms and restrictions. Note that the Personal Developer
version is not available with credit card orders.
Shipping and handling to all destinations
for credit card orders is $6.00.
(Next-Day Air shipment to any
U.S. destination add $15 more) Shipping & handling: __________
Subtotal: __________
(Texas residents only, add 8.00%) Sales tax: __________
*** 3.5" HD (1.44) media will be used unless you request otherwise ***
Credit card handling is done by a service company in Houston, Texas.
They will take your order and send it along to me. Specifically:
PsL item#: 11211 Use this number for fastest service when ordering.
You can order directly from me using the !ORDER.FRM, or for credit
card orders you MUST order through Public (software) Library with
your Mastercard, Visa, American Express, or Discover card. To order
call 1-800-242-4PsL (international orders use 713-524-6394), or fax
713-524-6398, or by CompuServe e-mail to 71355,470. THESE NUMBERS ARE
FOR -ORDERING- ONLY. I cannot be reached at those numbers. See the
!README text file for my BBS number and e-mail address for additional
information. Please DO NOT contact PsL after you place your order
with them. Use my BBS or e-mail address, instead.
PsL will contact me withing 24 hours of your order and I will ship
immediately upon receiving your order from PsL. While not required,
you are requested to mail this form soon after ordering from PsL.
For lack of space on this form, my mailing address can instead be
found listed in the !ORDER.FRM file.
Contact name: ___________________________________________________
Mailing address: ________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________ Disk size: _____________
Special instructions or comments (continue on reverse if needed):
Date: ______________ __________________________________________
IMPORTANT: FORM 116-10D-01COC, 27-Feb-1994